Independent Musicians, The Time Is Now!
The annual DV Radio Memorial Day Barracks Party is coming up on May 29, we need your music to help us with this show!
Independent Musicians
A lot is going on this week and DV Radio needing YOUR music is one of them! Over the years, DV Radio has played various songs up to and including licensed music [through the likes of ASCAP, BMI, Warner Music Group, and others. As the cost of music license is too costly for DV Radio, we switch exclusively to ONLY independent musicians.
This year, we’re opening up submissions (once again) for YOUR music. DV Radio will make zero income playing your music but you can be heard by those that listen to DV Radio and [possibly] make another fan and sell some of your music as well as merchandise!
So how do you submit your music to DV Radio? Just head over to the form here, fill it out by May 24, 2023, and yours might just get played during the Memorial Day Barracks Party show! If it is, we will add it to the daily rotation so whomever is listening when a show isn’t airing can hear your music!
Head over to the DV Radio Independent Musician Sign-Up Form now!
Affinity Protocol
An all-new episode will be available by midnight [May 17, 2023]! It’s all about AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the Conference in which Affinity Innovations, Inc. attended. So be sure you’re following DV Radio on Podbean so you don’t miss out!
Don’t forget that Affinity Protocol goes live every other Sunday at 10AM EST on DV Radio and on twitch!!
Do you like books? Do you like signed books? Do you want more books by Veterans? This is your chance! By subscribing to the DV Radio Substack (here, where you are reading this), you will be automatically entered! For mroe information, please visit the last newsletter here.
An all-new episode will be available by the end of business on Thursday May 18, 2023. We had a lot to go through but it was a fun time, we got a lot of info out and we hope that you can tune in to the podcast!
Don’t forget that BARRACKS TALK is live every Saturday at 2000/8PM EST!
The best way to show your support and help DV Radio continue and grow is to grab merchandise! Not only will you be supporting DV Radio, but there’s also merchandise lines for Betsy Ross’s FIGHT series, SGT WarDawg, PTSDog, Change Unchained (to include DV AGAINST DV), and DV Farm! So please consider heading over to the DV Radio Store here and helping bring some laughs, information, resources and to grow DV Radio!