DV Radio - Who Won The Xbox? GROW THE FARM Registration Ending Soon
It's that time of year again, that means DV6 is on the road and we're running (sitting) around like chickens with our heads cutoff.
Who Won The Xbox??
A question that has been asked numerous times because people either do not pay attention or you just don't follow the correct people! Either way, we've got you covered! In the last BARRACKS TALK, we had Paul & Chris join us (from Affinity Innovations, Inc.) and we learned the winner of the Xbox that Southern Vet Sweets gave away for the DV Farm fundraiser! We also find out some exciting news for Affinity, DV Radio and the community! So listen to the latest BARRACKS TALK by going to Podbean here.
Grow The Farm Registration Ending Soon
Although it isn't required, we ask that if you are going to be participating in the Grow The Farm Gameathon this year to please register for a few reasons. If you've not yet registered, you may do so by going here.
Reasons To Register
So we have some idea of how many will be participating.
We want to promote your streams so people can watch you!
Others need to know when open spots are so they can fill the time(s).
It'll help you grow your stream!
Veterans, civilians and all who stream can grow an even bigger community together.
Affinity Just Got Enhanced!
Affinity Protocol isn't just a crypto original show on DV Radio, they also talk about technology, family, and they like to have a few laughs. This last episode was them having fun with Enhance CEO Ace! If you're not laughing at this episode then we need to reevaluate our show program. Catch the latest episode of Affinity Protocol here on Podbean.
Game It Out With Affinity & Bo!
On July 22nd, Affinity Innovations, Inc. will be doing their Affinity Friday which means it falls in-line with the start day of the Grow The Farm fundraiser! Some of the Affinity Innovations, Inc. crew as well as Bo will be gaming it out on Affinity Innovations, Inc.'s twitch (here) to help raise funds for the DV Farm. So come join them and we might even get a few games in over the weekend as well!
Is That All?
For the most part, yes! But if you haven't read the last DV Radio Newsletter then we have a few things for you to know:
You've already read most of what's upcoming but we do have some merchandise items you may not be aware of (available now) as well as coming out VERY SOON as partnership with Affinity Innovations, Inc. so be on the lookout for that in the coming months. Betsy Ross has some merchandise items sitting in the DV Radio Store and if you've not yet read her (quite relatable) FIGHT series, please check it out here and leave a review.
PTSDog also has merchandise sitting at the DV Radio Store alongside the Road to Recovery shirt for the DV Farm and DV AGAINST DV merchandise.
All monies for Betsy Ross, PTSDog and DV Farm (100% unless otherwise noted) goes DIRECTLY to those places/individuals; DV Radio keeps NONE of their proceeds whatsoever. There is also a promotion happening this July 4th for 22% off. We HATE capitalizing off of ANY holiday but we were asked by you, the community, to let you know when the store throws up promotional offers so this is your shout-out to the offer.
Be on the lookout for Wah-Tie Woodturning to be announcing a shop warming/Nevermore's birthday sale this Friday! Follow him on Facebook here.
Other than that, and for now, there isn't much going on that you need to worry your little eyes and ears over! Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to reach out to a brother, sister or yourself for any reason whatsoever. Everybody needs a shoulder at some point.
Additional Links
*Grab some merchandise and help us continue DV Radio! What is free for you is NOT free for us to create and continue. All of the monies made from the DV Radio Store go directly back into DV Radio and not one cent is paid to any host.*
DV Radio, LLC | DVR Store — bit.ly The official online store for all things DV Radio, DV Farm, Dysfunctional Veterans, and more!
How to Listen & Support DV Radio — dvr-listen-support.carrd.co
All the DV Radio links you'll ever need!
DV Radio — link.radioking.com The Veteran radio station by and for Veterans. As well as Active Service, Caregivers & all those that support the Armed Forces. Uncensored and trying to make you laugh while tackling Veteran issues.
DV Farm — dvfarm.carrd.co Find out about the DV Farm in Gilsum, N.H.!
DOUBLE REWARDS IN BUSD AND CARDANO ADA — affinitybsc.com Affinity - Dual rewards of BUSD and ADA. Creators of ADAPT Peer-to-peer transaction application