This is simply letting anybody that are DV Radio Patreon members or those that are thinking about becoming a DV Radio Patreon member about the updates and changes we've recently made.
What Are The Changes?
Basically, a few tiers changed and one is going away completely! We made a public post and you can find it at the blue worded link below!
Official Post from DV Radio, LLC
As Bo's computer was getting an upgrade (which is still in the process but he's able to work again) the Affinity Protocol & BARRACKS TALK from this past Saturday & Sunday (April 23 & 24, respectively) are not yet available. However, they will be up and for your listening pleasure no later than Wednesday evening. So if you're not yet subscribed, be sure you head over to the link below and get subscribed so you never miss another show!
DV Radio | a podcast by DV Radio — dvradionetwork.podbean.com The Official Dysfunctional Veterans Podcast. Want to laugh like you did in the barracks? Then click Play.
What Are The Frequency Of Newsletters?
Right now, you may get more than one per week. After we get some business out of the way and a few "under the belt", we'll cut it back to either one per week or bi-weekly. This all depends on what's going on with DV Farm & DV Radio. Currently, there is not just one newsletter but we are working to have separate newsletters for each in case you do not want to know about business from one or the other.