DV Radio - DV Farm Takes Crypto?!💰🏧
Find out how you can support the DV Farm & DV Radio via crypto currency in this newsletter.
What is crypto?
In simple terms, "crypto" is a digital currency. Many believe it's "fake" money but, in fact, it is REAL money. Depending on the crypto you've invested in depends on what you can do with the crypto. Some crypto is (basically) like stocks & bonds whereas other is actual currency you can use to buy products and services with.
What crypto does DV Farm and DV Radio accept?
If you're in the crypto market, DV Farm & DV Radio can be found on the ADAPT exchange where we accept anything that can be turned into BSC or ETH. We, DV Farm & DV Radio, can then take this crypto and turn it into cash and put it towards our mission(s).
What is the ADAPT exchange?
ADAPT is all about taking the best parts of crypto and making them better, safer and easier to use. At the core of the ADAPT platform is the ability to connect your wallet address to a username and profile picture. This makes peer-to-peer token transfers as easy and secure as sending FIAT currency through services like Cashapp or Venmo.
Users are encouraged to maintain as much anonymity as they want - but by sending tokens to a username instead of a long wallet address you can avoid the costly mistake of sending tokens to the wrong place.
Is ADAPT safe? What if there's another with the same name?
This is what makes ADAPT wonderful! Many can make accounts that claim to be verified but, without the little "check" in the ADAPT exchange, you know those are NOT those groups, organizations, nonprofits, etc. We personally worked with the founders of Affinity Innovations, Inc. and the ADAPT exchange to make sure there is only one DV Farm and one DV Radio account so you know you can trust where your crypto currency is going!
I don't have ADAPT, is it easy to switch to?
ADAPT has made it so easy that we made the DV Farm and DV Radio accounts in under a couple of minutes and we weren't even a part of the crypto universe beforehand! If you have ANY questions whatsoever, don't hesitate to reach-out to the team at ADAPT.
Great! Do you accept crypto now?
YES!! As long as you've got the crypto, we accept it through ADAPT which is the ONLY place you can find DV Farm & DV Radio. We're nowhere else so if there's anybody saying they're the DV Farm or DV Radio and they're needing crypto donations on another platform, it isn't us! SO DO NOT CLICK ON THEIR LINKS OR SEND YOUR CRYPTO TO THEM!!
Where can I send crypto then?
It's very simple! Open up your crypto wallet (IE: SafePal) and go to https://www.adapt.exchange/. Once there, create your ADAPT account and start sending. All you have to do is type in either "DV Farm" or "DV Radio" in the "TO" and select the token you want to send in the "TOKEN" and go from there! We'll get your crypto and convert it to use on our end!
Find out more about the Affinity Token and the ADAPT Exchange by going to the following links:
Affinity Token: https://AffinityBSC.com/
ADAPT Exchange: https://www.ADAPT.Exchange/
Affinity Protocol
Another great resource to find out about crypto is the Affinity Protocol show on DV Radio by the Affinity Innovations, Inc. Team. They make things simple to the point that a kindergartener can understand them and, if you're one of the few that still doesn't understand... NO PROBLEM! Just contact them on their website, social media, or in their Discord or Telegram and somebody (staff or community member) is more than willing to help!
Listen to the Affinity Protocol show EXCLUSIVELY on DV Radio and keep updated on their podcasts by following DV Radio on Podbean by clicking below!
Affinity Protocol | DV Radio — dvradionetwork.podbean.com The Official Dysfunctional Veterans Podcast. Want to laugh like you did in the barracks? Then click Play.